The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) is a New York State Medicaid program that allows users to recruit, appoint, and direct home care workers. This program allows people who can choose, train and mentor their caregivers for Medicaid. The wonderful thing about the program is that it allows the person to appoint family members and friends, thus eliminating potential stress and language barrier issues at home by strangers.
Important points of the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)
- This Medicaid program provides services for chronic or physically disabled individuals who need treatment with daily living activities or activities of daily living (ADLs) or skilled nursing services.
- Services may include a personal care assistant, domestic health care or nurse care services.
- The recipient has the flexibility and freedom to choose their careers.
- Employment, training, supervision, and – if necessary – employment of a consumer or someone who is working for a consumer (such as the parent of a disabled or severely ill child) takes full responsibility for the termination.
For finding Consumer Directed Personal Assistant Program
Firstly the doctor should send a full Physician’s order for services to the local social service district, which then completes a social and nursing assessment. A nurse evaluator then determines if the recipient can participate in cdpap appropriately, and recommends the amount, frequency, and duration of services.
Requirement of CDPAP
Recipients must be prepared and willing to provide information to manage services or to assist a legal guardian, nominee relative or another adult in making a qualified and informed choice. Consumers or designers must also hire, train, maintain, terminate and arrange for back-up coverage to manage and coordinate other services; and keep a salary record.
This benefits both sides. Your caregiver is paid and, despite being a stranger to your home, you receive the care and comfort you deserve.