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Hair removal using Electricity

July 23, 2021 at 4:08 am 0 comments

The removal of hair on the body using electrical field is called as electrology. This is performed by electrologist   which are usually the persons who perform the process. The electrolysis hair removal etobicoke in the process the hair is inserted in to metal solid probe until the hair follicle then the electricity is sent to the hair end which will do a localized damage and generate the hairs by caustic sodium hydroxide formation by the galvanic method or by overheating by thermolysis and by the both method’s or by the blend of the two methods.

Various process of doing this electrolysis hair removal:

There are three methods to be performed in which each method has its own advantages. The entire process success will be on the person who perform the process or   the electrologist and it also depends on the type of the hair,skin, pain threshold all the three procedures if performed well will destroy the follicle and not regrowth of the hair possible.

Galvanic method: In this process a probe known as galvanic hair remover is used which has positive supply of electricity is supplied of 0-3 milli amperes into the body. The cathode being the follicular probe and sodium hydroxide will from the chemical electrolyte killing the matrix hair cells.

 Thermolysis:The process is also called as short wave and diathermy it is done by the radio transmitter with an output of 0-8 frequency with 13.56 MHz which is emitted to the tissue of skin. It is done by heating of the matrix cells until 48-50 degrees which causes electro coagulation to the cells.

Blend method: This is a method which uses both the RF and current which is direct in the technique a small metal probe is use to slide to hair follicle very much care is needed to do this process as it is inserted up to the hair matrix and where the hair is formed. The electricity which is passed is used at the lowest settings and it is increase slowly. It will be manipulated as per the patient’sintake and can be lowered if possible.

The duration of the process takes from one to four years with an average treatment of two years with almost one session a week it would range for an hour.

Summing up:

The removal of hair on the body using electrical field is called as electrology. This is performed by electrologist   which are usually the persons who perform the process. It is the best process adapted now a days.