You may have heard about lie detector tests in numerous crime shows and movies. In real life, these are utilised in various police investigations to verify the truth surrounding the facts of the case. Many companies also use lie detector tests nowadays, as part of their pre-employment requirements. Basically, the objective of the lie detector test is to determine whether or not the person is telling the truth when asked with different questions.
What happens during the test?
When you take a lie detector or polygraph test, you will be attached to at least four kinds of sensors. The word “poly” basically refers to the multiple signals that come from the attached sensors, which are then recorded on a paper that is referred to as a “graph”. What the sensors record is the way your body reacts when you are asked particular questions.
It usually determines the truth based on your breathing rate, pulse rate, blood pressure, and your perspiration. When you are nervous, you will most likely have a fast heart rate and your hands will get all clammy and cold. Your body’s reaction will be recorded by the sensors. There are also certain polygraph devices that are able to record other movements coming from your legs and arms.
What does the examiner do?
As soon as the starts, the examiner or questioner will ask you at least about 3 questions or so, in order to test if the standard for the signal is normal or working properly. When the norms have been established, the examiner will now ask the real questions as requested or stated for the investigation or examination. Generally, your bodily reaction will be recorded all throughout the questioning proper.
The examiner will then constantly check on the graphs and determine if there are key signs that may significantly affect the results. By significant, it means that your heart rate has relatively changed or your blood pressure has abnormally increased. Signs like these means that you are lying about a particular question. Generally, a well-trained examiner can automatically detect if a person is lying through these signs.
As soon as the examination has ended, the examiner will analyse the data gathered during the test. He will review the results and determine whether or not a deception has occurred. You will also be given a chance to explain your bodily response for certain questions. The key here is to be as truthful as you can be.